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thank you

If you've purchased a membership to our website, I truly cannot thank you enough. For believing in the service enough to tolerate our slow (but hopefully steady) growth in these beginning stages, for trusting in us to provide valuable information to yourself and/or your children, and for helping our dream become a reality. As early adopters of our new venture, your feedback is invaluable to us. Please do not hesitate to share with us any suggestions, criticism (constructive or otherwise), input, thoughts, feelings and so on. Hearing from you is the single best way we can ensure we're continuing to build a platform that best serves your needs.


To every interviewee, every person who has built bridges and opened doors, and everyone who has offered words (and actions) of support, advice, encouragement, ideas, suggestions, and feedback: you will never know how incredibly grateful I am that our paths crossed, no matter how briefly. I have learned from each one of you; I’ve been humbled and enlightened. I am thankful, beyond words, for all of you. Whether this project goes somewhere or nowhere, my biggest takeaway is that this world is full of interesting, good, intelligent, driven, caring, helpful, selfless, passionate, inspiring individuals. This is the gift you’ve given me and the one I’m most excited to share with the world. I am in your debt.



Gratefully yours,



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